Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I was listening to the radio last week, and the guest featured on the show mentioned that his favorite way to regain perspective was to ask himself the following questions:

How will I feel about this situation in 10 minutes?
10 months?
10 years?

I started to ask myself these questions about little fights Everett and I had, and I have been amazed at the results. The questions are short enough to remember, but pointed enough to really change your mind. For example, how much will I care about the boxers on the floor in 10 minutes? Will I even remember them in 10 months? 10 years from now it'll hopefully be our little children's clothes on the floor, so I won't even remember this one time Everett left his in the middle of the living room. I can move on easily and peacefully.

Try it and see what you think! The simplest solutions can be the most effective. My self defense teacher said it best: "I can teach you some complicated stuff that works really well, but you are not going to remember it in a crisis. You are going to remember the stuff that you can make into a reflex, and that'll keep you safe."

I'll be back later this week with some yummy recipes!


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