Health kicks are my specialty. I love to do a couple weeks of intense working out while I have time, because I don't have the kind of schedule that can keep up a rigorous workout routine. I love going vegetarian for weeks at a time, because I can feel the effect veggies have on my body and meat is more expensive than beans. This time, I have made a bet with my husband. The first person to lose 10 pounds gets $50 of fun money out of the budget. I am one of those people who weighs a lot more than I look like I do, so I've never felt much pressure to lose weight. However, I've decided I want to get fit while I am young and strong.
"Results from two studies presented at the American Orthopaedic Society
for Sports Medicine Specialty Day indicate that exercise at a young age
can improve bone growth and reduce fracture risk in old age."
Orthopedics Today
My BMI is right at the border between normal and overweight, and I want to eventually get back down to what I weighed at the wedding. I am heavier right now than I have been in my entire life. One of the (many) hidden truths about marriage is that it can be really fattening.
"In a given two-year period, women who married were 46 percent more likely to gain a large amount of weight than women who remained unmarried."
The Today Show
I was shocked at that statistic. I know I gained weight because I cooked for us and served us the same, man-sized portions, but I didn't realize how my wifely responsibilities were taking a toll on my fitness as well.
I've decided to make a fitness plan. I usually just change one little thing, get disappointed when it doesn't work, and slip easily back into my old lifestyle.
Meatless Mondays (and Wednesdays and Fridays)
Going veggie is something I do a lot as a natural habit, but committing to not eat meat
three days a week will also cut down on the "meat associates" I eat going to fast food restaurants: fries, sodas, etc. It will also give me a chance to introduce some more veggies into my diet.
Training Mindset
I have seen a lot of improvement in my motivation to work out since I started my self-defense class. Something about having a large man with a thick Southern accent yell at me ("Would those pushups get someone off your back??") has helped me to find that innate sense of motivation that I have never had. I never succeeded in sports, and I loved books and yoga as a teen. When I met Everett, he tried to get me to start running. He was on the cross country team in high school, and has a twin that pushed him to be stronger and faster. Running has always been my least favorite physical activity. I've recently started trying to run and work on the weight machines at least three days a week while I still have access to the school's free gym membership. When I put on my workout clothes, I'm no longer thinking "I want to lose weight." I'm thinking, "I want to be powerful, strong, and healthy." If you're looking for your own motivation, try
Reasons To Be Fit. This website was started as a reaction to all the "reasons to be thin" and pro-anorexia websites out there. Good stuff!
I hate the taste of water. I really do. If I drink it too fast, I feel nauseous. I want to change that by forcing myself to drink a whole bottle of water every day. For you water junkies out there, that may not seem like much, but for me, it's a big step.
If I keep fitness in mind, any activity can become an exercise. We're moving, so I can strength train with boxes. I work for a senior citizen, so I can focus on running up and down the stairs at her house.
Depression Help
As I wrote last time, exercise is one of the top ways that doctors recommend to fight depression. It gives you a rush of the happy chemicals that your brain is having trouble generating on its own. I want to get as addicted to running as my husband is, and to assist my medicine in maintaining a proper brain chemistry.
I recently started getting into the habit of offering everything as worship, and it changed my attitude. If you do what you do for the Lord, you will succeed! It's that simple! One of my mentors said that when she has negative thoughts about her body, she prays. She said the Lord answered her that she needs to exercise for her health, not for her looks, and that taking care of herself honors him and makes her more effective. Now when she works out, she's happy and excited rather than self-deprecating and resentful of her limitations.
If you are have a fitness regimen, what is it? What are the biggest obstacles to your health in your marriage?
Go out and kick butt!