Monday, January 20, 2014

The Biggest News

If you follow me on any social media, you probably know the big news by now!

We are so excited. Being a mother is my ultimate dream, and I can't wait to meet my little hobbit.

I am currently ten weeks pregnant, which means that I had my birthday, Thanksgiving, 25 straight days of gigs (including a 16 day cross-country tour) and everything surrounding Christmas all while totally unaware that my body was supporting a new little life. I was exhausted, but brushed it off and figured it was just the hectic schedule I had been keeping. I had a lot of early pregnancy symptoms, but I took a total of SIX home pregnancy tests over the past two months, all which came out negative. I figured I was either having a really long cycle (not unusual for me) or my hormones were going wacko from stress.

I ended up going to the doctor on January 9th for nausea, and got a pregnancy test while I was there. The doctor walked in the room holding it and I started crying. It took me a few days to really process the realness of the situation, but now I'm so overwhelmed with nausea and fatigue I can't deny the obvious!

I am doing a ton of research about what kind of birth I want to have, but right now I'm really leaning towards a natural birthing center. I love learning about all my options, so I'll keep researching until I find what I think is best for me and my baby with my health history. I am going in for my first ultrasound on January 29th, when I will either confirm or debunk Everett's twin hunch. (!!!) I am so excited to see my little one; so far, the only real evidence has been feeling like total crap and wanting to only wear stretchy pants.

During my pregnancy, we are going to be continuing work as musicians both on the road and in the studio, but I will be ramping up my art business over the spring and summer so that I can have something to do with the baby at home when I am not playing out as much. We are trying to save as much money as we can, but are also trying to find a new place to live with a little more room for our little one. If you want to help support us in this crazy time, feel free to shop at my store!

I will be keeping this blog focused on relationships and marriage, but will update it with my baby bump progress and any more big news.

Lots of love,


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